Zoom In
Zoom Out
Point Select
Polyline Select
Free Polyline Select
Polygon Select
Free Polygon Select
Linear Measurement
Multiple Area Measurement
Single Area Measurement
Advanced Search
Comparable Sales Search
Legend Menu
Print Map
Available Maps
Interactive Help

Print Grid Results
Parcel List Report
Real Estate Report
Owner Mail Labels
Resident Mail Labels
Generate CSV From Grid
Square Feet:
Square Yards:
Square Miles:
Length (feet):
Length (miles):
Laserfiche Link

Enter buffer distance in feet

| |
Sale Price Range
Certificate Date (Year)
School Districts
Sewer Districts
While the Town of Huntington uses its best efforts to maintain this web site to be current and accurate, the site is not intended as "official" information. The Town of Huntington makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or content of information, and is not responsible for the results of any defects or misinformation that may be found to exist, or for lost profits or consequential damages which may result from such defects or misinformation.

You should not assume that this web site is error free or that it will be suitable for the particular purpose that you have in mind when using it.

This site contains references to other sites and information worldwide throughout the Internet. We have no control over such sites and information, and make no guarantees as to the accuracy, currency, content, or quality of any such site or information. Any unauthorized attempt to upload information or change information on this web site is prohibited. All attempts will be investigated and/or reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency. The use and/or dissemination of the information contained herein is at your own risk.

If you have any questions about the GIS map, please contact [email protected].

I have read and understood the terms of the disclosure statement.

This dialog will allow you to build a query to search the database. To search all features in the selected layer,
input ''1=1'' in the query text box.

Below are the fields that you are able to specify:


Save Query
Load Query
Clear Query Box


Allows the user to zoom in using a selection box.
Allows the user to zoom out using a selection box.
Toggles the legend on and off.
Prints the map that is currently shown.
Returns the user to map selection/user management page.
Toggles help on/off.
Enables the point selection tool. This tool allows the user to select single elements from the layer currently selected in the layer drop-down.
Enables the polyline selection tool. This tool allows the user to select a line of elements from the layer currently selected in the layer drop-down.
Enables the free polyline selection tool. This tool allows the user to select a free form line of elements from the layer currently selected in the layer drop-down.
Enables the polygon selection tool. This tool allows the user to select elements within a polygon from the layer currently selected in the layer drop-down.
Enables the free polygon selection tool. This tool allows the user to select elements within a free form polygon from the layer currently selected in the layer drop-down.
Enables the line measurement tool.
Enables the polygon measurement tool.
Opens the advanced search dialog. This dialog allows the user to construct a simple query on any field in any layer. The results will be displayed in the results grid at the bottom.
Opens the comparable sales dialog. This dialog allows the user to search across several criteria and property zones. The results will be displayed in the results grid at the bottom.
This drop down is used to select the current active layer.
This text box sets the buffer distance. If it is set to zero, the buffer will not be used.